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Over 60 years ago the story of the Barber Shop began when original owner Dave Opened the business With his wife Marg having “The Vogue“ ladies hairdressers at the current location On Sandy lane. After sometime Vogue was moved upstairs with Dave’s The Barber Shop getting its new home Downstairs where it has been ever since.
Dave had the Barber Shop for many years and built the foundations of what is now a long standing icon of sandy lane and Skelmersdale as a whole. Many of the Customers that still come to us to this day have fond memories of Dave and continue to tell great stories of his time here, including hiring his apprentice Sharon back in 1985 who also has many amazing memories of working with Dave. Sharon always describes Dave as being a great boss who became so much more To her and her children.
Sharon Started at The Barber Shop as a young apprentice back in 1985 and stayed at the shop for 2 years in this role until she decided to move to Jersey. Upon her return 2 years later she was back at The Shop with Dave as a fully qualified barber and this is when she first met her good friend and colleague for many years Pauline. There are so many stories of there nights out and crazy days they had and earned the title of the best double act in town. All the team Upstairs at Vogue and downstairs in the barber shop had a great relationship in work and out, The girls who worked upstairs Janice,Kathy and later Terri spent many a time helping out downstairs in the barbers at busy times and this closeness maintained out of work and remains to this day. A real 2nd family that’s lasted a lifetime was formed under our roof and all the girls regularly meet up for meals and get togethers and have many great moments to share from there time at the shop.
2014 and after 27 years working at the Barber Shop Sharon Takes over the business and begins her time as owner and put her own stamp on the Shop. Sadly Shortly after Dave passed away but Sharon continued to keep the good name of the business going. At the end of 2015 Bryan Came for his trial shift and a couple of months later started working at the shop as a barber and Sharons right hand man. Bryan and Sharon became close spending many a time outside of work on days & nights out plus trips away together with family and friends, Bryan Cherishes his years working with Sharon and describes it as the best job in the world.
A couple of years after taking over, Sharon gives the shop the biggest change in look so far. From top to bottom new floor, ceiling, fixtures and fitting were all put in place.
After a couple of weeks of hard work the shop was ready to reopen with its brand new look. A proud moment for all of us seeing the shop transform to the new modern interior we have today. After a quick glass of bubbly to celebrate it was back to work.
Ryan joined the team and quickly fitted in to the barbershop family Embracing the madness and good laughs we’ve always had. Christmas Eve was always fancy dress in the shop but also Ryan celebrated his 21st birthday dressed as the pope for his first Christmas. It’s fair to say a drunken night followed the taking of the picture above. Ryan Moved on from 2020 but remains good friends with both Sharon and Bryan, Now having a family of his own.
Everyone has there stories from the coronavirus outbreak in 2019, It was a difficult time for the shop along with every other small business around the world, being forced to close for many months had its challenges But in true Barber Shop style we bounced back with pride and thanks to our amazing customer base we were back to our usual busy selves. Ensuring all guidelines were followed and a peak of a 7 hour wait for a haircut made it a rough start after all that time sat out the couch eating and drinking, but with the help of Alex our Saturday lad we got through it. Alex came to us for a Saturday job after being a customer for years and ended up staying with us until he left school and began his career and remains a customer and good friends with Sharon and Bryan.
2021 and the team becomes 3 again with Donna starting working as a barber, she has become good friends with both Sharon and Bryan and continues to work as part of the team helping the shop to remain the busy and friendliest Barbers anywhere, Her colourful character has earned her a reputation for being fun and the many customers that have been coming for so long have praised her for fitting in well with the team and making sure everyone feels welcomed when they visit.
2024 and after 39 years the end of an era comes when Sharon announces She plans to retire, Selling the business to her right hand man and loyal staff member for the past 9 years Bryan. A great picture above shows the past present and future of the barber shop, with marg who was the original owner with her husband Dave, Past staff members from upstairs at Vogue and The barber shop Kathy, Chris & Pauline. Current team Donna with latest hire Jack who has been a customer of the barbers for many years, he recently completed his level 2 in barbering and just beginning his career and journey at the barbers. Also in the Photo Sharon on her last day as Owner and Bryan about to take the reins as new owner. A great get together to celebrate the career of Sharon and the future of the shop.
A Quick word from Bryan
“Taking over as Owner of The Barber Shop has been the privilege of my life, I feel the weight of responsibility on my shoulders to continue the legacy of not only my good friend and boss Sharon, but the many years of successful business that came before. We’ve had our ups and downs but It’s been an amazing time working for Sharon for the past 9 years and couldn’t have asked for anything more from a boss And Great Friend. I have made a real effort to built a great relationship with all new and long standing clients and promise to do everything to ensure the next decades see the barber shop maintain its history and past whilst moving forward with investment to keep it relevant and ensure a successful business for many years to come” A huge personal thank you to all those customers and staff past and present, Sharon and my team for the outpouring of love and support since taking over, it really has meant the world.
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